Energy efficiency solutions

Saving energy together We take care of the planet

Maintenance and sustainability speaking the same language

You can't improve what you don't measure.

Peter Drucker

At Enerion USA, we specialize in delivering tailored energy efficiency solutions that are designed to meet the unique needs of your business. 

Our expert team works closely with you to develop a customized plan that integrates cutting-edge equipment and software automation platforms, optimizing performance to ensure long-term sustainability and reliability. With a strong commitment to the environment, we provide innovative solutions that not only reduce your carbon footprint, but also enhance your financial bottom line.

The 4 pillars that sustain energy efficiency

We have developed a versatile and amiable model that empowers every member of an organization to participate actively in the pursuit of winning the energy challenge. The MeMa program is structured around four fundamental pillars, as illustrated below:

Our Knowledge Platform is a virtual model for transferring knowledge, created using e-learning tools to offer a user-friendly, consistent, and continually updated training experience. The platform provides premium courses in energy efficiency, incorporating materials such as AI-powered videos, tutorials, success stories, forums, and more.

By measuring and verifying data against a baseline organically, and utilizing it as the groundwork for every project, the potential to achieve an unparalleled return on investment with long-term sustainability is enhanced. This approach guarantees that the building’s useful life is maximized, resulting in substantial and enduring benefits.

Our process entails converting your concepts into a sturdy project proposal and obtaining the necessary funding for successful implementation. With our comprehensive support, we ensure that the return on investment is protected by an insurance policy, guaranteeing substantial savings and a positive return on investment for our clients.

It may come as a surprise, but on average, buildings waste about one-third of the energy they consume. Good energy management plays a vital role in capturing these inefficiencies and reducing energy costs. By reducing energy consumption, we can significantly decrease greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, promoting a cleaner and healthier environment.

Study - Design -& Procurement - Execution

Our projects aim to develop more efficient use of energy resources and achieve energy policy objectives. We utilize data analytics to better understand energy consumption, enabling informed decision-making. All our efforts are backed by measured results.

Maintenance and Sustainability speaking the same language

Once an energy efficient project is executed, the operation and maintenance component play a leading role. This is one of the reasons we developed the MeMa program that provides training and knowledge to technical and managerial personnel. Furthermore, with the support of the real-time measurement and verification platform, and with key performance indicators; the appropriate decisions can be made. Thus, guaranteeing a sustainable process of continuous engineering improvement of systems and energy performance.

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